Highlights of the journey, so far

Welcome bold and lovely humans!

I am really enjoying blogging, bloggers and Facebook at the moment. Who would’ve thought technology and basic writing & connection could turn into such a powerful way to connect humans around the world? I guess that’s really what it’s all for. Hearing of various other seasons moving along, tasting foods made using recipes from other worlds, seeing families in different places doing similar things, reading about fellow mothers, and artists, and people who get things done, and people with special gifts, and who try to be their best, and who are doing amazing work to help others and save our excellent planet… is so inspiring. Thank you for sharing your pathways.

First I have a picture of the routine, but strangely satisfying, task I am currently in the midst of: going through my Art Cards, sorting and counting, making sure I know what’s there. To the right you can see my prize, The Guerilla Art Kit, from Jodi and Emme and Joyful Girls. (I told the first of those stories here. By the way, I have plans for my next guerilla art act. Will tell you all about it another time, dearly beloveds). I have spared you the sight of the rotting capsicums which are now in no way edible for humans.

To do a bit of a catch up, specially for some of the newer ‘likers’, I would like to show you some of my previous writing, does that sound ok? I’ll be surprised if anyone, even from earlier on, has read every single one of these posts.

One time I wrote about when I made an animation for the SALA (South Australian Living Artists) Festival, and a shining silver toilet building got built right where I was planning for it to be projected from (the whole saga is there) and then came to terms with it, and bloomed where I was planted!

I discovered there are quite a few posts in which I philosophise and extrapolate. Like recently when I was sick and sluggish and confused and got some help and changed my diet and had lots of epiphanies, or when I mulled over the benefits of having birds almost strip the trees of fruit last summer. I still like this one in which I totally philosophise about stilt walking as a metaphor for life. There is a post about pink things and one with what lino printing teaches me about life. There were some mid-length posts like the one in which I describe the various false starts of an apparently simple knitting project.

Along the way I have had a couple of Mothers Day competitions, shared some linky love and written some very short posts. Like the ones in which I thanked my customers for being green, pondered over a scrawled note with a surprise message, wrote a short list of new resolves or had a very short green rant with a red tomato. A short piece in which I philosophise about birds, compare their actions to ours, and survival on earth, is here.

Hope this gave you an idea of where I’ve been, and I look forward to getting to know you guys, too.

Have a wonderful week, being you,
Meg x o

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