Happy To Be Here Exhibition 2016

Header image for "Happy to be Here exhibition" contains 3 images. On the left is Tangerine Meg apparently balancing on the old Police Station steps, the middle image is "Spring Feet", a hand watercoloured lino print, the image on the right is an open exhibition catalogue held open by a hand, and featuring the "Happy to be here" exhibition entry

Wow! That went by in a flurry – my exhibition, long planned and worked for, is now closed! I’ll leave this page up for a while in case people want to read about it. Soon I’ll put any last un-sold works in galleries, stockists and have them available at market stalls.

horizontal rainbow bar

Woot! I’m having my first solo art exhibition in over 20 years at Goolwa, South Australia this Spring. Here’s the catalogue paragraph:

“Radiant colour or a few deep breaths with nature are two things that leave me grateful and magically recharged.

Even in the confines of a suburban garden are microcosms of life and beauty. I am ‘specially drawn to the luxuriant generosity of nasturtiums in bloom as well as the bright juiciness of laden fruit trees. To transform into a jungle? Just add a cat!

My artwork is a journal of beauty and joy found in everyday moments. A gifted embroidered bag or vegetables from the Farmers Market, famous art, stripy socks or a funky find from an op shop are equally inspiring. (Colour and patterns light me up! You too?)

I tell my story with either pen drawing or limited edition lino block printing combined into intimate, vibrant watercolour works”

Tangerine Meg on the steps of the old Goolwa Police Station;


Where: South Coast Regional Art Centre (Old Goolwa Police Station), 1 Goolwa Terrace, Goolwa, South Australia

Open: Now! … Until Tuesday 27 September 2016 Closed

Gallery Hours: Wed to Fri 11am – 4pm, Sat and Sun 10am – 4pm

Can’t get to Goolwa and want to buy one of my pictures? Ring Leah and she’ll make it happen, on +61 8 8555 7289 international (enter the dial out code for your country first) or 08 8555 7289 from within Australia.

The Just Add Water Arts program for 2016 open to Tangerine Meg's "Happy to be Here" exhibition page

Project | Facebook |  Mailing List

  • The venue has an Installation Room. (I know: swoon, right?) Half of my Facebook peeps and newsletter subscribers are sprinkled around this pretty blue planet. Soooo, I’m doing a community project with photos from kindred spirits from anywhere. Wanna play? I’d love to have a photo from you … Check out my Happy to be Here Project page to find out how to join in!  see the resulting video!
  • You can click “Interested” or “Going” on the Facebook event page if you like to remember about events that way Link taken down now
  • You can join my mailing list for behind the scenes juice leading up to the exhibition in general. If you include your postal address I’ll totally send you an invitation to the launch!
  • If you can get to the exhibition, there will be new paintings and prints never before seen in their entirety!
  • In the meantime, I’m “hashtagging” my art in progress. Google the hashtag: #HappyToBeHereExhibition to follow along

tangerine Meg on the steps of the old Goolwa Police Station; rosy filter on the photo

Share this with kindred spirits as much as you like. In the meantime I’ll be working on the art! :)

Talk soon,
Love Meg x o


Legs in leggings with pale bare henna-ed feet, on a blanket beside a nasturtium garden









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