Olives in the bread
Hey, quirkalicious Bold Soul! I hope this finds you well, happy and allowing yourself small and/or large luxuries that improve […]
Hey, quirkalicious Bold Soul! I hope this finds you well, happy and allowing yourself small and/or large luxuries that improve […]
Hellloooo, dear kindred spirit! Hope you enjoy this bold cat art / Stargate (this cat is truly named Teal’c) [I
Greetings, dearly beloved! I hope this finds you well, content, hopeful. I myself am warm – #summerinaustralia – and proud
Hello Sweetie! [Haha, I hope you like Easter Eggs!] … and Happy Heart Day :) I’ve been saying Happy Heart
Hey Lovely Bold Soul, I hope this finds you well, flourishing as only you know how. I myself am walking
Hey, lovely Bold Soul! This means you :) Have a fantastic day, Love Meg x o PS Yes, go ahead
Hey Bold Soul! Hope you’re enjoying these latest graphics I’m making, which you don’t have to squint at (or even
Dearest Bold Soul, I hope this finds you well and free. The above is my ‘not impressed’ face, taken when
Dear Bold Soul, Go ahead and pin, share and tweet this tall eminently pinnable tall artwork/graphic in celebration of good
Welcome, Bold Soul! Yes! Go ahead and pin, share and tweet this eminently pinnable (tall) new artwork/graphic! Much appreciated :)