Greetings dearest of dears,
Thanks friends, for your kind comments on the new Reading Girl downloadable printable bookplates, here are a couple:
How wonderful! Thank you for brightening this bleak and wet day – Yvette
Thanks Meg, these are sweet. Think my daughter will like them too x – Julie
Where did Reading Girl come from?
I think bookplates are a slightly old-fashioned, classic ‘nice thing’ to have, for honouring the booky belongings that you have chosen. Based on what I would like in a bookplate, I offer symbolically
- groundedness, like a yoga crocodile pose,
- freedom to have time to lie and read, and
- eat a pear in dappled shade
- on a balmy afternoon, warm enough for shorts and no shoes.
- Reading Girl’s rising sun tshirt denotes warmth and light in her heart, the sun somehow rising from the book too.
Even though we have gotten older, we still need those same things. She represents the art of just being, and hence filling ourselves back up again with warmth and wisdom and rest.
Technical bit: The writing had to be designed AND CARVED backwards as this is a lino print… yey for mirror writing! Did you ever used to practise mirror writing when you were younger? I think it turned out to be clear and legible :) As you can see here I used the grey lino this time, not the brown.
Behind the scenes, secret bit (just for you dear blog reader, so keep this under your hat!): I made the final bookplate from a combination of 2 lino blocks as the girl worked best on one version, and the writing and border worked best on the other.
My husband gave me some wonderful books for my birthday. I’ll tell you which books another time. Part of my enjoyment of the books, I’ve decided, is going to be consciously uplugging and taking time to read them.
Go. Download free stuff. If you have chosen to keep some favourite books around you, why not adorn them? Let me know how you go in the comments section below or on my Facebook Visual Artist page.
Wishing you time, centredness and joyous sustenance.
Much love,
Meg x o