Bold Art Calendars 2020 – and what’s the Dutch connection with Birthday Calendars?

The bold art calendars for this year are here! You’ve already heard if you’re on my mailing list (if not, get on that)! The early bird time frame has come and gone, and early bird individuals and stockists are receiving their goodies this week and next.

Images of 4 bold art calendars: Cat 2020, Cat Birthday, Plenty (food and flowers) 2020, Plenty Birthday, along with header text saying 2020 Bold Art Calendars by Tangerine Meg. Background is green graduated to purple.

This time, I’m trialling a new thing: Birthday Calendars

Do you know what Birthday Calendars are?

Or perhaps you know them by a different name? They are sometimes known as a perpetual calendar. You write in your friends and family’s birthdays and anniversaries as you usually would, but then you keep using the same calendar each year. When December is over you flip the calendar back to January, which means you don’t have to transfer everyone’s dates over every single year.

Is it true that Dutch people keep them on the back of their toilet doors? Let’s ask …

What is the Dutch connection with Birthday calendars?

In my limited experience, everyone who asks or knows about birthday calendars has had a “Dutch Connection”! This year I’ve printed a few in case anyone wants one! (Want to buy yours now, click this!)
Yaisa Nio, my friend who teaches yoga all over the world [remember, we did the vision board with her in 2017 and will again this year] grew up in Holland, and has this to say:

The Dutch are known for their no-nonsense and practical nature. Hence 3 reasons why the Dutch hang a birthday calendars in the toilet.

1) It’s a place you spend a quiet moment at least once a day (I hope) so you have plenty of time to check who to call or send send a birthday wish soon and you won’t forget your wedding anniversary ever again.

2) On the fridge stuff gets dirty, in the living room we prefer art or picture frames and in the bedroom people tend to sleep, not read calendars.The loo is the perfect place!

3) If you leave a pen with the calendar, visiting friends can add their own birthday (and check out how many friends you’ve got).

~ Yaisa Nio

By the way, would you like me to interview Yaisa? Good. I will. She’s an interesting and wonderful lady…

Stockist Changes

I’m learning to cope better – or perhaps simply flow with – the constant in life that is change! A really lovely stockist has closed down (sad face re Add Character at Semaphore!) and one eco one has expanded (go Jamie of EcoLateral, now at Blackwood and Magill). I now have my first interstate stockist in Queensland (on the Sunshine Coast at Nambour) because an entrepreneurial friend moved there and decided to reopen her shop! More details about my stockists here, with new Queensland details coming soon.


Now you have your head around what a Birthday Calendar is, does this hand drawn chart help to explain which bold art calendars are available this year? #homemadeinfographic

FAQ* Are the Australian Public Holidays noted, or Moon planting dates?

No! They aren’t… these sell internationally and it simply doesn’t make sense to include local Australian holidays. However, in the 2020 Bold Art Calendars international unifying days are noted such as: Harmony Day, Peace Day, Serendipity day.
Oh, and Frida’s birthday :D
Moon planting? I love you Nadja’s of Nadja’s Garden but the moon planting cycles info messes with my head – and makes the design of calendar pages complicated. Sorry, beautiful bold souls, you’ll have to research for yourselves the moon planting phases!

I’ve been doing this for a while

And I blogged about it first here (look how much the inner page design has changed), then recapped on my fifth birthday of making them here (a calendar birthday not to be confused with a Birthday Calendar), and wrote about why I still get enthused about bold art calendars here

If a bold art calendar by me seems like your kind of thing, buy yours at this link. Do you use a Birthday / perpetual / dateless calendar – possibly on the back of your toilet door?

Have a great week!
Speak soon,
Meg x o



PS If you’re in the Fleurieu in August, Flourishing Fleurieu, ‘my’ group SALA exhibition, is open Tuesday mornings and weekend afternoons at Bethany Hall, Willunga. Also this Saturday (August 10, 2019) is the SALA Willunga Artisans and Handmade Market from 9am-1pm at Festival Hall, Willunga.

* Frequently Articulated Question

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