Hello Lovely Face and welcome to my 522nd blog post! [That seems a big number! We got here one blog post at a time!]
After a couple of months working on calendars-calendars-calendars, I’m amazed any pictures got created at all towards the *100 Pictures Project*! They did though. Lots of them are cat pictures :) And here they are…
Picture 33 –Â drawing:Â Sleep is Magic
I drew this while listening to an interview with Sleep Diplomat Matt Walker. It’s an apt self-description – he’s calm, persuasive, highly educated and absorbing about how beneficial sleep is to us. [By the way, 7-9 hours sleep is ideal.]
After listening to his interesting things-which-ya-kinda-know-but-pick-up-more-strongly-in-the-rehearing-as-an-adult, I now count it as an even bigger win to start each day having had enough magical sleep time.
This drawing is currently not in my online shop, however if you’d like to see it as a colouring page or tshirt, message me and I’ll see what I can do.
Picture 34 – Dion, the Tawny Abyssinian – SOLD
Dion’s person has seen this now [see below left the photo from our presentation meeting last Friday] so, like a final ‘reality’ TV reveal, I can show you the Custom Cat portrait I’ve been working on. What a smart and delightful person and cat! On Sunday Dr K emailed me to lock in painting Dion’s sister.
For those of you playing at home, I’m now booked for the rest of the year for Custom Cat portraits. The next spot secured will be first on the wait list for 2019.
Picture 35 – Ivan the Blue Russian – SOLD
This gorgeous Blue Russian cat’s owner [ok, we know very well we’re not owners!] was a big part of the community in the SA Cat Show world, and a kind, generous person.
Picture 36 – Black cat with stars design ^^^
I dearly wanted a black cat with stars for a tshirt image, after Mr Inky came into our home. So I made one! Click the picture above to see this design on everything but the kitchen sink. Haha, I can’t keep up with magnificent Red Bubble. Seriously, even if I blink my one eyes [one] at a time, they still have yet another product to print your art on! I love it – love art on All The Things! These black cats with stars look groovy on items from bedcovers, phones and leggings to a plentitude of styles and colours of tshirts!
Picture 37 –Â Oh my Gourd!
Why in gourd’s beautiful planet are there so many hilarious name possibilities for the title of this one? Oh my Gourd! , Gourds. Gifts. etc etc. Click the picture below to see the gourd picture in the *100 Picture Project* section of my shop. Oh, my Gourd! was offered by Ms T on Facebook. If you have another gourd phrase to make us laugh, chime in below in the comments section :) See the Making Of pictures here on my instagram.
Pic 38 Louix the Turkish Angora ^^
Remember when I painted the Turkish tabby? Rita, a professional cat breeder and photographer on Facebook [<<< check her work out, she’s good, isn’t she?] posted a pic of this fluffy sweetie, her Turkish Angora cat. This past fortnight I got a chance to try painting it. There are hardly any drawn pen lines on this one, mostly brush drawing. Very softy, right? Like the cat itself.
Check this out
I feel lucky and happy to be adding to the cat iconography of our time. Click this to read about an amazing collection of cat images and objects, the book Caticon, in an article by Purrington Post. Welcome, if Purrington Post is where you clicked through from :) Hi, cat lovin’ friend!
Have a great week with lots of cat cuddles and other love and peace in your days!
Talk soon!
Love Meg x o
PS Talking about things that add up over time with repeated small efforts [which we were at the top], our contribution to TPRF humanitarian aid is slowly edging even further above $5000. That sounds a lot, and it’s done a lot of good for others. [It also feels like a more positive way to move in life than watching the news and getting depressed!]
PS 2 Click this if you want to see my Cat Art board – my e-version of Caticon! – on Pinterest!
To see things that inspire me with floaty persons such as picture number 33, check out my  Dreamy Souls pinterest board – a lot of it is Marc Chagall … he’s such a legend!
PS3 I’d be remiss not to mention my Cat Art 2019 Calendar! Technology permitting it’s available below, otherwise click this to whoosh to my gallery shop ^^