Changes big and small this year (so far)

Thing to remember: 2017 is not over. I’m not summing up something that is, as yet, incomplete.

All the same … what’s been making a difference so far?

header for Changes blog post, with blue sky photo and coloured party lights.

Tangerine Man and I moved into our new house, which is a big, wonderful change *and* we’re still de-fragging boxes, belongings, baggage!

We inherited some beautiful green curtains, and this week got the ikea hardware to make them work. Lucky us, they fit just right and need no further adjusting.

I formed my new studio into a video shoot backdrop (see background of next picture at left). Glad I got it functional early on, though the rest of the house is scrambling to catch up!

We lost our other old orange catboy. After caring for small, medium and large dependants for 27 years, we’re taking a short pause (paws?) from pets.

After those big changes, and many months, I/we are settling down – feeling ownership, starting to viscerally get that ” … we don’t have to move”.

How is it that I feel *more* like myself when I have henna on my hand? I imagine folk with tattoos get feels something like this. My capable hands are starting to look like an old lady’s hands in photos. Are you noticing some changes that come with time passing, too?

This year, I doubled the size of pages I write on each morning from A5 to Julia Cameron‘s recommended A4. And more recently, I added in some gratitude recording (3 Things I’m Grateful for) in the morning along with about 3 core desired feelings (CDFs), and a Martin Seligman suggestion, a What Went Well and Why recap in the evening. This has helped be more in touch with an optimistic perspective – aware that I’ll be recording these – and I’ve enjoyed having a dedicated time in the day to not only debrief and plan, but also to practise with words and language.

My (and yours, too) efforts and projects add up! I’ve come a long way since starting blogging in 2007 … from starting a mailing list, making and showing art and making calendars, and this year introducing great quality art reproductions of my work. I’ll be turning 11 years old as a blogger in 2018, and I have plans for something fun around that next year. Stay tuned. :D

the left image is a hand coloured lino print entitled "A Veritable Garden" showing the human digestive tract as a garden; the right image is a pair of walking shoes aligned with a compass of chalk hearts on a road

Lately, I’m getting closer to the crux [not the horcrux!] of this FODMAP and inflammatory foods digestive puzzle. I guess, why should a whole bunch of crap being touted as food work in a human body? Even if you don’t want to lose weight or look younger – JJ Virgin addresses us as though we do – this book is important to read.

Just this month I got the party lights up! They’re so festive! #thismakesmehappy

party lights installed and lit and a half face selfy, all with blue sky, right hand side deeper blue

Well done, Australia on #MarriageEquality! Hoorah! Pause for a minute, breathe and enjoy, then no doubt the next challenge will need our energy!

Not trying to be comprehensive today, just practising casting my mind back and reflecting on some of the events and progress of the year. I might do a full, the-year-is-finished round up after December 31st, or I might be busy making my yearly collage / vision board. In any case, this has been an ‘almost’ round up. Hope you enjoyed it! Paste a link below if you’ve blogged a yearly wrap up. I’d love to see! :)

Trying to remember: a helpful thing to do amidst the flurry is to pause and remember to be grateful. Do you do that, too?

Kindness and Love,
Meg x o
(here in the Aussie sun in front of a friend’s party lights!)







PS Want to gift yourself (or a fellow cat lover) *Cosy*, my December Print of the Month? It has a somehow both an awake *and* snuggly atmosphere, just right for a bedroom or other room of relaxation … check out on the right below for a close up peek at the paper texture.

PS2 Several Cat and Bold Women themed 2018 Calendars are available. “As soon as possible” is the best time to secure the theme you desire! As of this writing I have approximately 27 Bold Women calendars, 10 Cats and 2 3 0 Still Lifes (that’s going to fluctuate this month a bit due to January, stockist change outs and so on!)

PS3 This post is kind of a listicle without a numbering system, isn’t it? Oh well, at least there are lots of pictures! Happy day, bold soul. Thanks for reading right down!

PS4 Are you on my mailing list? Get on it if you like my art and want to get the holiday email in your inbox very soon! Here’s a sneak peek of the desktop artwork I’m making for a holiday gift (do you like the coloured lights?):


















2 thoughts on “Changes big and small this year (so far)”

  1. Thank you for writing, Tammy :) Glad you enjoyed the post!

    Sounds like your son made a great difference to your surrounds. Lovely…. go him!

    For the record, I don’t get henna tattoos *all the time* (I wish) :D And I stand corrected about the henna / tattoo comparison!

    Good luck with your unwanted challenges. May there be light in there too.

    Love Meg x o

  2. lovely lovely lovely post. I too moved and am still in the midst, tho son’s holiday visit came with the gift of working through an important “this has to be done so I don’t hate this house anymore” list. He left me with bright/airy/repaired and a surprise stone foyer floor recovered from under slippery ugly white tiles. Awesome way to start a year that is already bringing challenges I wish I didn’t have to face. I am happy for you. And I love your hand henna – that would be an indulgence if anyone close to me did it….ALL THE TIME. (and I have tattoos. I thinnk they cannot compare to henna)

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