I love collaborating with people who respond like this to my artwork offerings:
And I am rather nerding out that the title of this blog post, not only refers to the artwork and sketches below and relates to the rainbow rally I went to on the weekend (more on that in Part 2) but also reminds
us me that being kind to self and others is a process!
I was invited to contribute my artwork to a lovely event in Adelaide. The Be Kind theme is one of my favourites, and it was a no-brainer to say “yes!” Here are some of the first drawings on the theme of BeKind:
The final result needed to be horizontal, so I took the middle one (can you see the little pencilled ‘this one’ star at bottom right?) and redrew in a horizontal format. The final artwork is below. I then scanned and re-traced within the computer so it could blow up and shrink down without losing quality.
Here is the final event picture. I took the grainy photography at right – with my phone – as the light faded! You may have seen the postcard-sized version on my instagram.
By the way, Project Work Life and I are making available an A2-sized, signed print, limited to just 20 or however many are ordered by Friday, whichever comes first! Go here to get your Be Kind print, pick up only.
This Red Bubble mockup lady is wearing the Marriage Equality rainbow artwork from my Red Bubble page. More on that in the next post, or click the picture to check it out right now! She’s my visual segue (segway?) to the Work in Progress: Be Kind – Part 2.
Remember to be kind to yourself! Hopefully learning even more how that works will make for more ease when you are being kind to others. See also: Full cup, overflowing.
Have a great week!
Love Meg x o
PS Be Kind art prints available here until Friday or sold out.
PS2 Marriage Equality rainbow art t-shirts are here. Work in Progress: Be Kind – Part 2 is here.
PS 3 If you want to share this on Pinterest (please do), use this tall version!
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