Work in Progress: Oh Captain my Captain

Two stages of a drawing a winged cat picture: the first is black and white drawing. the second has a colourful wing. Overlaid with text reading "Work in Progress: Oh Captain my captain" "Tangerine Meg"You may already know this if you follow me on social media or get my eLetters. For the record here on the blog, I have sad news to convey: We lost Captain Whitepaws.

Orange Cat left us last year, too. Such is the way when one has 2 old man orange cats. Their times come.

Two stages of a hand drawing a winged cat picture, the first is black and white drawing, in the second the painted colour is started.Owch!

All I could think to do to process my feelings was to paint my grief along. I don’t mean ‘away’, I do mean ‘along’.

Section of a bright watercolour painting of a flowey orange catI took my time to carefully draw Captain Whitepaws, including his boxer’s nose and uppy eye. Took my time to paint his rainbow cat angel wings.

artwork in progress of winged cat, some of the picture is brightly coloured, other areas still white paper with black pen drawing. Lots of detail in the wing feathers.I let the painting evolve, be finished slowly. In just the right time.

Almost completed painting of winged catHe’s buried in a good spot. It’s still strange not having him around.

Tangerine Man and I don’t know if we’ll get another cat. (Surely we will, right?) We’re taking a break from pet companion ‘having’ while we get our combined belongings under control! Maybe we’ll do pet fostering in a while. ‘Til then, we’re giving ourselves a break, and remembering the one(s) we have lost.

Hugs and love,
Meg x o
(in this window of time, no longer a cat ‘owner’)


PS Captain Whitepaws is the cat of the month for April on my 2018 cat Bold Art Calendars along with a short loving quote. Last day for pre-orders on Cat (and Bold Women and Still Life) Art Calendars is this coming Tuesday.

3 thoughts on “Work in Progress: Oh Captain my Captain”

  1. I love your drawings..such lovely colours and patterns..sorry to hear about your a cat person myself so know how much a part of a family they become..hope to c u around..peace and love x

  2. Pingback: Work in Progress: Bottle with bottlebrush flower - Tangerine Meg

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