Oz Comic-Con 2017 Ticket Giveaway

Later: Thank you so much everyone who joined in. I wish I could make it so you would all win :(
By the time I’d read everyone’s comments and replied to them, I couldn’t have chosen objectively, so I used an online random number generator, and …. The Oz Comic-Con weekend pass has been won by commenter 2, Steph! I’ve emailed you, Steph, to get a couple more details so you can claim your tickets when they go on sale.

Would you like to win tickets to 2017 Oz Comic-Con*? Woot! Then read on…

photo of convention room, showing audience heads chatting while they wait for a talk; on stage is a screen with the 2014 Oz Comic-Con logo of 2014; overlaid is blog post header in hand-writing looking font stating: " Oz Comic-Con 2017 Family Ticket Giveaway - Tangerine Meg". There's a purple border at the bottom and orange borders at the sides.I have a a $150 family weekend pass to Oz Comic-Con in Perth, Adelaide, Melbourne, Brisbane or Sydney to give away!

I applied some time ago and had thought that perhaps our bloggy community of lovely souls may not be big enough for the organisers of this large event. Thank you, organisers, for disproving my theory. Love your work – thanks for including me us in the proceedings!


Remember when I dressed up as Frida Kahlo for Oz Comic-Con in Adelaide a couple of years ago? Not Sci Fi, but iconic never the less. Click this to check out my blog post about making it to Frida-the-actual-artist’s-exhibition last year in Sydney.

A collage of 4 photos of Tangerine Meg dressed up as Frida Kahlo ready for Oz Comic-Con 2014.Sometimes I want and want to do things but this time I actually did it. These photos make me happy! How good is my Frida eye brow? :)

Some of my favourite Oz Comic-Con speakers

I ab.sol.ute.ly became a #fangirl of Nana Visitor (pic below) at her talk. She was so real; I enjoyed the way she spoke of having boy children, her guiding truths and creativity as well as her time on DS9. After her talk changed the colour of my day, I started to watch through the series of Star Trek DS9. I also enjoyed Ben Browder’s talk – he’d just done his role in Doctor Who and couldn’t talk about it! Corin Nemec is a good storyteller and an interesting person – did you know he does aerosol art?

Nana Visitor, Star Trek DS9 actress, on stage at Oz Comic-Con in 2014. A few audience heads are visible in the foregroundYou could take photos for a minute or two when the actor came on the stage, and then you had to not.

I’ve never had a picture taken with an actor, nor gotten an autograph at a Comic-Con (though I’ve gotten a couple of musician’s signatures).

Oz Comic-Con and OzCatCon

I’ve loved the vibe each time I’ve been to Oz Comic-Con. Besides the panels, talks and stalls, I’ve been amazed at the wonderful costumes people create and boldly wear in public. The amiably obsessed crowd even made me wonder if I could happily ‘do’ (ie. be a cat art stallholder) at OzCatCon later in the year. Stay tuned.

Even stone angels queue for chips.

How to enter this 2017 Oz Comic-Con Giveaway

To enter the draw to win a weekend family pass to 2017 Oz Comic-Con (Perth, Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney or Brisbane) leave a comment below telling us which Oz Comic-Con guest you’d most like to see, talk to or get a photo with and why. On March 21st, I’ll pick the most creative and interesting from all eligible entries (or use a random selection method if they’re all pretty equal) and contact the winner.

Click here for the 2017 Oz Comic-Con dates. Click on your city to see which guests will be there.

Full disclosure, by the way: I, too, get a family pass for running this giveaway! Seems like a win-win to me!  I’m excited already :)

See you in the comments section – good luck!
Love Meg x o


PS If you like Science Fiction or other nerdy things, check out my geeky things Pinterest board here. (I need a better name for it!)

PS2 The header image at the top of this post is actually a double ‘exposure’. I exposed for the screen in one shot, and for the audience in one shot, and got a surprisingly defined result from combining them!

PS3 Shall we all go as one of Carrie Fisher’s characters this year? #valecarrie

* “Con” = convention

Photo of audience members awaiting a talk by favourite actor, in the meantime a screen displays the 2014 Oz Comic-Con logo. Header overlays.
















27 thoughts on “Oz Comic-Con 2017 Ticket Giveaway”

  1. Pingback: Oz Comic Con day out - Tangerine Meg

  2. I hadn’t thought I would be interested in seeing any of the acting guests this year but then I realised that my husband would benefit from meeting and asking questions of the writers and artists about what it takes to get work published. Being that he’s perfecting his first draft of his first novel – I would love to win these tickets to take him to meet the writers :)

  3. Hi,

    I am from Perth WA.

    I would like to attend the Perth Comic Con. My friends have been trying to get me to attend one or Supernova for many years, but this is the first time that I don’t have to work. (Manager fired me after I asked for my pay to be raised to the minimum retail wage.. but hey, not i get to go to Comic con).

    Anyway, to get to the point I really wanna meet Jason Momo (aka Aquaman). I didn’t watch much superhero stuff as a child, only really started to in my teens. My bf is a great superhero fan (we literally go see every superhero movie and I love it) and aquaman is his favourate superhero by far.

    I would like to meet Jason Momo in order to get his signature for my BF, and tell him that he is one of the greatest characters, despite being one of the most unknown. Aquaman is silly, unqique and intested me originally as I like Greek mithology. I just wanna say to him that i can’t wait to see his 2018 Aquaman movie.

    …That and I we both want to get his autograph before the movie as he will be a lot more famous then, and it will be way too hard to get.

    1. Hi Rebecca! Thanks for playing in the giveaway. I’m sorry your job went away.
      It would be cool to meet Jason Momoa, right? I know of him from Stargate Atlantis, but the internet tells me he’s had many roles since then!
      Good luck! M :)

  4. I like Wolverine…but due to the current circunstances it will need to be his ghost if he’s going to visit anywhere…grin…
    Or…maybe I just like Hugh Jackman…BIG GRIN…and I’m pretty sure he won’t be visiting…
    Second fav…Star Wars…the Black Droid would be good…

  5. how cool Meg!Love your Frida! love any trekkie(any version) but john barrowman for Torchwood would be my pick :) my hb looks like Brent Spiner (and we did dress him that way once:) Cheers Jodie

  6. christine speight

    Sydney guests haven’t been announced yet but I’d love Tom Ellis or D.B Woodside from Lucifer as I think it’s a great new series and would love to chat with them about it.

  7. Brent Spiner aka Data Star Trek Next Generation I may be 57 years of age and the older generation but would enjoy the experience here in perth

  8. Pingback: Work in Progress: Early Figs in Blue and White Bowl - Tangerine Meg

  9. I’ve always wanted to meet Robert Englund from The Elm Street Series, this man started my love of horror movies as well as giving me some horrible nightmares as a child. I’d love to pick his brain about The role! I know he attended a few years ago but I was unable to attend. No guests have been announced for Melb as of yet but he would be my dream guest!

    1. Hey Jade, thanks for joining in!
      I’m glad you answered with a Dream Guest given the Melbourne line up isn’t available. Good luck, hope Robert Englund is on it!
      M :)

  10. Melbourne doesn’t have guests yet so I’m making assumptions.

    John Barrowman, because he lost his filters somewhere and is such a fabulous and visible advocate for LGBTI+ rights and just generally being yourself even if that self is a little crazy.

    Also, he sings.

    No wait, maybe Timothy Omundsun, because Gallivant and singing. Or… Ooh, that vegan guy from Suits, wrong genre but still he seems way cool. And definitely his Donna. And Doctor Donna. And the 10th. And 11th.

    Really, can’t I just have everyone?

    Ok fine. Let’s go with food miles. Rose McIver from iZombie. (NZ is nearly Australia, right?) Because she quilts on set. *Swoons*

      1. I don’t know why, I hadn’t even thought of Barrowman – he seems like he’d be good to talk to :)
        I’m going to go google some of those other people who I don’t know.
        What? Quilting on set, yes, that is cool…

  11. matthew clark

    I would love to meet Melissa Joan Hart AKA Sabrina The Teenage Witch.As a teenager this was one of my favourite shows.Hopefully that funny cat salem tags alone.

      1. matthew clark

        thanks my daughter is a Huge Dr Who fan and is only 7. She would love to meet ARTHUR DARVILL also.

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