Live Bold List 43: Pirate Leggings and More Podcasts
- I finally found out where you get the black and white striped pirate leggings from! They’re not cheap, because they’re not ‘cheap’… Wonderful undies, tshirts, kids stuff, bathers and leggings from New Zealand.
Even though it was mailed internationally, they arrived very quickly… And were awesome. And I wanted to order more! I’m happy that the weather has cooled down enough so I can (comfortably) wear them! So fun to be able to look like the girl in illustrations! I even got some undies with koi fish on them! Super comfy – look at that wide soft waistband! Oh, importantly: the business is called Thunderpants.
- Here’s a link to Ben Lee on the Wilosophy with Wil Anderson podcast. Note: drug taking is discussed on this episode. I’ve loved every single episode I’ve heard so far, and I’ve just re-listened to this one and they talk about creativity quite a bit. Wil often does that with his guests (another through line) – which I love. I adore hearing about the similarities between genres/flavours of Making. My very favourite thing about Wil’s podcast is when he or his guest cracks him up and he laughs suddenly and loudly but he’s professional and throws his head back away from the microphone so it’s not too loud in our listening ears! I went to Wil Anderson’s comedy show in the recent Adelaide Fringe. I was the only one who “woot”ed when Wil talked about going to the opening night of Star Wars last year. I’m such a nerd.
- This and the next are two TED talks I enjoyed
It’s a video not a podcast: Why Mayors Should Rule the World. Benjamin Barber makes a compelling point, ‘specially given that current politics/system is fouling the place up (literally). - Here’s another mayor. One who wouldn’t compromise on colour in his city. << That links to his TED talk. Or click this to view the blog post with lots of nice colourful building photos. How intriguing and wonderful that colour and beauty made people feel safe – and reduced crime!
- The eTown radio/podcast is always good for the heart & soul. The foot tapping music and positive stories give me hope every time I listen – most reassuring to hear the world has a lot of good people and good things going on! Here’s a cool episode, if you’d like to listen to the whole hour. I like the modern big band sound of “Diga Diga Doo” by Big Bad Voodoo Daddy, which I’ve embedded for you to check out below. I’ve found so many intriguing musicians that I wouldn’t have otherwise, through following eTown! Click this if the video embed doesn’t function for some reason, otherwise watch/listen here in the blog post.
Tell us below in the comments if you’ve had a day wearing stripy leggings (or indeed a tutu) or if you’d like to share your favourite podcast …
Tune in next time to see some of the pictures people have already submitted for the #HaapyToBeHhereProject!
Have a wonderful week,
Love Meg x o
PS I’d love to have you-you-you in the Happy to Be Here Project (a collective slide show to be screened in the installation room at my September exhibition) >> Read more here! It’s all about a sense of place, and of gratitude <3
PS2 Remember, there are a couple more weeks in my Big Autumn Art Studio Clearance – it’s just until the end of April… Go here to to secure a one of a kind watercolour or limited edition lino print to make you smile – everyday magic right there on your own wall!