Dearest Bold Soul,
I hope this finds you sparkling and/or chortling. I am so grateful Spring has sprung … loving the warmth of the sun on my skin and the happy light!
Check out my new website ‘look’ with the bigger rainbow lady. Do you like it? By the way, it will work better on phones (etc) now too.
I’m getting better at remembering to document my picture making. Would you like to see the colour decision making process of this cat print?
I print the black areas first with ink before hand colouring with watercolour paints, and I’d printed a bunch of this design when I realised I had missed a few spots at the carving stage. D’oh! Those misprints made a great little pile to try out my colour choices.
The colour combo below has the most realistic reds for the sofa. Oh, how fond I am of that big red sofa and the cats are gradually but systematically clawing it to death starting at the corners! This trial colour scheme emphasises the sofa more than the cat, though, I think.
Loved the border and I’ve retained that. It’s a bit of a change from an all out rainbow, but is still rich and delicious.
You can see my notes in pencil on the right – to remind me which paints to use!
This is Stripey Cat and he is was grey with dark grey/black stripes. I tried making him the focus while still retaining the red, using a very watered down purple as a grey substitute. Didn’t like it enough to go any further, though.
I found an actual grey that I liked. Really, Moi? Liking a grey? What’s happening? *Looks out the window in case the apocalypse is approaching* Nope. :)
The grey plus the lino/black markings are quite graphic and keep him to the fore, even though the colours around him are strong. Didn’t like the blue and red striped section, although the floral at the back (top) works.
Below is what I came up with for the Artists Proof which I’ve gone with for the entire print edition – hoorah!
I have included but reduced the blues on the stripe/heart cushion; and allowed a little colour to seep in at the edges of the cat grey. That seepage varies in the edition itself – one of the benefits of handcolouring – and is very appropriate as Stripey Cat has gone on his rainbow journey now. Cat and Cushion will be the last print of him. This link is to Blue Cat, based on the same character. Striped Cat of Stripey Joy is also he.
I like doing lino print editions of 9 in recognition of the reputed nine lives of a cat. Do you think vets have 9 check boxes across the top of the cat medical notes/screen and they tick one off each time a cat has something happen so drastic it ought to have died?
I am nervous sharing this private process of trial and error of my artmaking with you, dear one! It’s apparently time for me to practice Being Bold! :P
New things with cat prints on them
How wonderful! Red Bubble are doing print-on-demand cushions now, and the delicious irony (or is it meta-ness) is you can get Cat and Cushion on a cushion. Like this:
Great way to have a cat on your sofa without the problem of shedding hair, haha!
And I love the idea of a lino print in its entirety on a shirt! Note: they’re printed digitally – not by the manual lino printing + hand coloring process!
I find it fascinating watching people making things. You too? Here’s a video of my process making a later print, “Thank you, piggies”.
Later: If that video isn’t showing up in your email or browser, click this link.
If you want more behind the scenes art making sneak peeks – and you like to be first to know – sign up to get Tangerine Juice, Studio Letters direct from my studio to your inbox. You also totally get first dibs on all new art!
I’m looking forward to International Peace Day on Sunday! Woot, we need more of it, right?
Talk soon,
Tangerine Meg x o
PS To check out more of the cat art I adore and am inspired by, check out my Bold Felines Pinterest board.