Hey gorgeous Bold Soul!
Hope this finds you warm, dry and well fed! Or breezy, comfortable and well watered, depending on the weather/situation! I am wrapped in woolly garments and grateful for the Winter Sun coming through the Northern glass. On the artwork front, I’m excited about last weeks printmaking :)
A couple of weeks ago, I had an eventful, colour-filled weekend. On the Saturday, we held a Bold Art workshop in a friend’s home, and on the Sunday I made an early morning start to go volunteer at The Color Run – Adelaide.
Bold Art Lesson
What lovely people in my little class. We did a classic Ruth Tuck still life lesson with craypas and paint.
We painted bright, fresh veggies.
Afterwards, I brought home the veggies, and made a yummy Still Life soup!
The next day I made Still Life veggie and salmon patties. Later in the week I grated some carrots and made a Still Life and Blueberry cake for snacks! Haha – feeding the soul and the belly with the same bright nutrient rich subject matter.
The Color Run
On the Sunday of the same weekend, I volunteered at The Color Run. Here are a few pics I took. It was an early start, crisp and beautiful.
The weather was very accommodating overall. No breeze to blow the colour onto things it oughtn’t to be on (like for example heritage grandstands), and partial cloud cover, partial clear sky. Just what we “ordered”!
I thought I was going to be in the blue zone, but upon arrival I was sorted into Griffindor yellow. Our patch at the end looked like yellow snow or a beach with very fine, very bright yellow sand. It was more like flour than sand, really.
See those cardboard barrels? There were 10 for each of the 4 colour stations (yellow, pink, orange, blue), each barrel with 50kg of colour powder! They had other colours at the end point, and undoubtedly many more tonnes of colour there! We saw the colour throws at the end from a distance, while we were packing up.
Check out my yellow eyelashes (and nostrils)! I’ve not experienced having those before!
The thingy poking me in the thyroid is a breathing mask, to stop some of the powder from getting into our
noses/mouths lungs. It was white to start with – you can see it’s done a lot of filtering! The yellow at the sides of my nose was where the filter didn’t quite meet my face :)
Next year perhaps I’ll run it! Have you ever volunteered in, or run/walked/danced a Colour Run? Tell us about it in the comments.
It’s worth being on my mailing list
If you want to know sooner rather than later when I make new artwork, join my mailing list. I write a fresh newsletter [Tangerine Juice] about once a month and I’m getting ready to send out the June one, now. I had a very productive week last week, so there is Juice to be shared – also, behind the scenes peek including Orange Cat! Also, New Thing: all subscribers now go in the draw each month to win a digital print, and I’ll be drawing for June on Tuesday.
Have a great week,
Love Meg x o