Swaying and Dancing. Part 2: Dancing

Hello fabulous one!
Hope this finds you buoyant amidst the bustle – maybe even bursting with beauty!

In the title of this post, when I say ‘dancing’ I mean back ‘getting about and living the wonderful dance of life’. By the way, I’m pleased to be able to say that I’m now well again. *Sigh of relief!* That was hard work :P


I had my penultimate market stall for 2012 last Sunday; I actually had the presence of mind to take a few photos.
greeting card spinners

Don’t know if you can tell from this, but there’s a courtyard area; just up the steps from my marquee are tables, chairs & umbrellas for people to sit and have food and drinks. This is looking from the North, at my card spinners at the ‘front’ of my stall. You can see just a little of the inside roof of my new white marquee. Gosh it lets the light in nicely – would make a good temporary studio (for photography or painting).

So I was walking around taking these photos of my stall, for the record, and a customer with a beautiful shade of blue shirt on came in to have a look. I was about to say may-I-include-you-in-the-photos-it-might-be-online-we-could-make-it-a-fairly-anonymous-photo-yada-yada, and she’s all helpful-like and can I pose looking at something for your photo? Yes, please! Thanks, Haidi!


Market organisers have a musician each time, to add to the atmosphere. This dear young soul found a great spot to admire from.

girl in pinkMy stall has a few similarities to this very website; like free bookmarks

freebookmarks_basket … and a banner, and my smiling face – and of course artwork on offer! :D Looking forward to more gorgeous Market Stall Having in 2013. It’s lovely to meet and talk to Bold Souls in person as well as online!

If you are giving someone a book (or books!) for Christmas, why not download and print out the bookmarks from my Gifts For You page, and slip one inside the front cover? It adds a nice finishing touch to the gift, protects the spine of the book and saves your friend/family member from having to look for a bookmark or use a banana peel or other found thing! I have personally tested them, these bookmarks make you smile as you close the book and settle down for sleep – a lovely thing :)

Can’t wait to tell you about the thing I made yesterday. In fact I’ll show you. I almost put it in this post, but I reckon it’s long enough already.

Stay tuned :)

Talk soon, dear one,
Much love,
Meg x o

4 thoughts on “Swaying and Dancing. Part 2: Dancing”

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