Swaying and Dancing. Part 1: Swaying

Hey there beautiful Bold Soul,
Hope this finds you well, and with your heart bathed in rainbow of light and peace.

I had kind of a weird week last week.

Because I didn’t realise I was sick!

Then I realised.

And I rested was obliged to rest.

I was reminded of this picture, and imagined that I was swaying along with a gusting wind.

I felt I hadn’t gotten much done that needed focus or tenacity, but none the less good things happened. I sorted through 72 photos (ok, that does take tenacity), bought a new marquee to use for Art Markets (photos next time), and caught up with good friends for cups of tea.

New friends gifted me some cumquats. To me they are a Still Life begging, shouting to be painted:

Yum, the colours are delicious! I don’t know if the painting is going to work out, but the photo itself gives me a real buzz from the colour! You too, Bold Soul?

It’s started to get quite warm here in Adelaide, and the garden has very quickly becomes somewhat dry. Happily the agapanthus don’t seem to mind. I took this picture of one of the flowers half open.

Check out this ever so juiciy sparkly agapanthus photo on Red Bubble by Rosalie Dale.

Stay tuned for Swaying and Dancing Part 2 :)

See you soon, Honey moon!
Much love,
Meg x o


1 thought on “Swaying and Dancing. Part 1: Swaying”

  1. Stopping by to say “hi” and enjoy your words. The qumquats do beg to be painted or at least have that photograph framed! Hope you are feeling better – need to listen to yourself before your body says: that’s it! you’re going down! (I know, been there). Sending hugs and white lights.

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