Bold Interview #1: Melissa Dinwiddie

Hello dear Bold Souls,

I hope this finds you enjoying the reality of your day, perhaps including a sunshiny afternoon, or perhaps not :) Lucky me, there’s warm sunshine streaming through my window as I write this.

I’ve dared to mention this Bold Interview wish of mine once only before – in my ‘plan for 2012‘ post (in March :P) I’m basically interested in finding out more about, and sharing the stories of, the sung and unsung wonderful amazing people who surround us.

Thank you, Melissa Dinwiddie for joining me for this audio Q and A, and for being so interesting, heartfelt and articulate. Here are links to Melissa’s sites: Living a Creative Life and Art Empowers – with Cory Huff (affiliate link) for you to see and learn about more of her creative outpouring.

Here’s our nice 6 minute interview – please persist past my squeak in the introduction!

I don’t know if all the Bold Interviews will be in the same format – perhaps some interviews will be via email, some transcribed from recordings, some video, others audio like this one, some I’m probably going to visit and take photos.

By the way, I’ve changed my comments section (again) so feel free to leave a comment, it should be a bit easier again now!

Have a great week,
Much love,
Meg x o


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