7 Days of Giveaways – Day 6

Kate gets the watercolour of StarCat!
Read about the fun in the retrospective post!

Dear just and wise kindred!

Ready to frolic? Today’s the sixth of 7 days of giveaways!

Leave me a comment (theme below) to go in the draw for the sixth giveaway, a handmade watercolour bookmark (a real watercolour, only fun-size)! That’s it, above! I’ll choose the giveaway winner with a random number generator. By the way, if we’ve not met before, how did you find me?

In the Harry Potter series, Hermione’s cat is named Crookshanks, and the caretaker’s cat was called Mrs. Norris. The cat on the bookmark above I have nicknamed StarCat. What thinkest thou for good magical cat names?

Make up a name for a wizard’s cat.

See you in the comments section :)
Love Meg x o

11 thoughts on “7 Days of Giveaways – Day 6”

    1. I love all of your brilliant and magical ideas! Thanks for playing bold souls :)

      1 Louise: just right!
      2 Tory: The heavens are an inspiration in so many ways, aren’t they?
      3 Robyn: Lovely!
      4 Birdy: Oh, magical! x o
      5 Kate: Kindred indeed – so gorgeous to ‘meet’ you! I hope you get a site up, I would love to see! There’s an awesome woman in the course that Birdy and I are doing who helps people get their wonderful ideas to fruition. Her site is Let’s Radiate:
      6 Natalie: Yes Fluffy in his own mind calls himself something quite grand :)
      7 Tammy: Dogstar, love it! (Oops, I first typed in Godstar, wonder what that’s about?)
      8 Susanna: So glad you came back to play! If your comment had been chosen I’d’ve rolled again :)

      Kate, the random number generator deems that you are to be the recipient of the (bite sized) watercolour! I’ll email you x o

  1. This is off the record because i am awaiting receipt of my wondrous prize from yesterday’s draw, but it’s too much fun to not participate.

    Our cat’s name is Mrs. MacDuff…which is definitely NOT a magical cat name. We didn’t name her, but it is well and good that she does not have a magical cat name because she is far too disdainful of such things. But she does do a nice royal wave, when she can get up the energy and motivation. LOL

    I love visiting your site and blog … fills my day with sunshine!

    Now to magical cat names… Since cats don’t come to the call of their name how about Abracadabra!?

  2. Kate (de Tookah) (the tookat) Rogers

    um…oops….website in case it is visible, I put in “sigh” because I just can’t get it together to do one!

  3. Kate (de Tookah) (the tookat) Rogers

    lol…My housemate Birdy Diamond said I “had” to see this bookmark and enter. I am a nine time cat totem….so it resonates for both of us. I love your art… we are kindred spirits in love of whimsy and color!
    Ok……The first thing that came to mind was Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.
    Next…..Pechiquat,,,the name of my feline familiar in all things witchy and etheric.
    She and Mau say the picture reminds them of the catguide PoliKatmas, who sends children the dreams of wonderful presents and candy before birthdays and major holidays. That is Our story and we are sticking to it!

  4. Oooh – a wizard cat. Hmmmm – lemme think. I love v odd and obscure names for animals. My 3 cats are called Precious Pink Sugar Mouse (Pink for short), Ziggy-Pig (who got a mention yesterday) and Little-Dot. None of those suit wizardly pursuits though. Hmmm – I have a goat called Spider-Puppy, thats a little closer perhaps. Or the totally off the wall names that kids come up with for animals – I had a friend who’s little girl of 4 named her goldfish Fluffy. Lol – there you go, Fluffy, perfect – I imagine Mr Wizard has more on his mine than cat names and is likely to name it something like that. (Although no doubt Fluffy refers to himself somewhat differently…..).

  5. ‘allo!
    Flying back in, just to share. :-) :>
    (Also sent the link to my housie. Hopefully she’ll be able to join in the fun. :>)

    Mephisto, the Magickal Cat of story & my life.
    Minhyrdin, my lovely familiar of the past.
    Coconut, the Siamese beauty queen, who worked her magick in quiet, yet powerful ways. (Usually involving physical contact. :-D)

    Hmmm… names not of cats I’ve actually known?
    Getting the names of plants: Tansy, Petunia, Poinsettia.

    Have an awesome! :-) :>

  6. Most of the names popping in to my head are constellation/heavens related – Perseus, Andromeda, Orion….
    The heavens on a clear, deep and dark night are so magical – it just seems fitting! :)

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