An (almost) empty nest

Dearest Bold Souls,

I hope this finds you well and happy, today, sweetie-poppses :)

Today I am introducing… Ta-daaaa… *an as yet unnamed print* “WInging It”:

lino print showing an egg winging it's way from a nest which has sage in the foreground and sunflowers in the backgroundA possible story:
My (then) 20-year-old son was about to leave home and I had feelings to process (and not the words to do so). In some ways I felt as though my baby was going. That’s where the egg image comes from, even though in reality he is an autonomous adult. The months spent drawing, carving and starting to print coincided with my son’s planning and preparation phase of moving to another city.

The sage in the foreground alludes to acquired, cell-embedded wisdom; I feel part of a universal cycle. The sunflowers and blue sunny sky in the background are symbolic that all will be well. There will still be sunny days.

Since making this print I have noted that it could also signify other, non son-leaving-home losses. I think it might have different meanings depending on the perspective of who is seeing it. I would love to hear what it brings up for you, below in the comments section.

The other thing I am not doing well myself, this time, is having a suitable name ready for this picture. Be bold and suggest a title for me (in the comments section also)! I’ll be so grateful! :) Now officially dubbed Winging It – very appropriate for the constant state of learning that is parenting!

Incidentally… this is a limited edition of 8 lino prints. I can take pre-orders anytime now by email/Paypal (to do an “Add to Cart” button I need a title!) otherwise I’ll let you know when it’s up on my Juicy Wall Art Page. By the way, it will be $375, including postage anywhere in the world, as usual. This is $265, and you can purchase by clicking on the picture to learn more in my gallery shop.

One other piece of news: catty cat art coming soon, in 2 forms. Stay tuned, dear ones :)

Tons of love,
Meg x o

4 thoughts on “An (almost) empty nest”

  1. absolutely gorgeous. and I have no title to offer. Usually my pieces tell me themselves so I’m not very good at making up names! but it is amazing!

    1. Hey lovely Tammy :)
      Usually while I make the pictures I play with names until the one that belongs becomes apparent, but that didn’t happen this time!
      I have been gradually catching up with reading my favourite blogs – loved your interview with the theatre writer lady!
      Love Meg

  2. Tangerine Meg

    Hi Julie!
    Sending you warm hugs and strength to do what you need to do, bold soul. We are all with you.
    I am touched that the picture spoke to you on such a personal level.
    Blessings to you also,
    Meg x o

  3. Title Suggestion: I’ll fly away. (like the gospel song!)

    It makes me think of my fragility in my family right now. I have to stand strong (fly) even though I am afraid of the outcome.

    Thanks for the visual image of my life right now! Take Care! Blessing to you!

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