Live Bold List 23: Bike riding for the bold soul

Hey pedals petals!
How are you big-hearted humans today?

This is a response to Kim’s post on the perils of getting back into bike riding. I had too much to say for a comment. Let’s make it a Live Bold List!

Live Bold List 23: Bike riding for the bold soul

For me, bike riding needs to be personalised, joyful and safe. These are some of the things I do to make it work for me:

  1. Wear your ‘day clothes’, not lycra. Watch out for coats, scarves, full/long skirts and flared pants for we don’t want them getting caught in the spokes or chain. See also #5.

    Me on the train in ‘day clothes’ this past summer
  2. Get yourself some kind of a funky ding dong bell:I bought this locally but you can find these kinds of bike accessories online too. “Ding Do-o-ong!” it chimes :)
  3. My valve caps have little flowers. This is my most extravagant purchase, even though they were under $10, as they weren’t totally essential to Meg-ifying my bike. Like the bell, I bought them locally but similar things can be sourced online.
  4. If you’re going to be wearing jeans, you might need to roll them up (at least on one side) so they don’t get caught in the chain. If that is the case, prepare beforehand and wear stripey socks. Even if no-one else sees you this makes for a smiley ride :) See also #1.
  5. I have big baskets attached to the front and back of the bike for carrying my handbag, lunch, shopping etc, and a nice wide seat for comfortable sitting.
  6. For visibility: safety sash (in purple with spots) [later: no longer available] and for brain care: a groovy helmet.
  7. A shiny red metal water bottle goes in the front basket.
  8. A good map of local roads is handy, specially for the first few rides. Riding beside cars on big roads is a complete NoNo for me. In our city they’ve made special maps so you can find rider-friendly smaller roads that connect. I am pretty sure there’s an iPhone app that helps with this too. Sometimes you can even go via laneways and through road blocks where cars cannot!
  9. Find a bike shop where the people speak to you in a civilised manner. I wont say too much about the ones that dont – except that I never. go. back. to. them. The ones where the people know what they’re talking about and they speak to me nicely? I return. Again and again.
  10. Maintenance and upkeep: recently I had a new chain and rear cog thingy fitted (riding is so smooth now) and new “v” brakes (it’s a real improvement having brakes that work!) I use “toe” clips (which you slide your ‘day shoe’ into, you can see them in the top photo) but not clips that need the clickety clack shoes and could maybe get stuck. I am toying with the idea of taking the toe clips off the pedals, actually.
  11. I am very comfortable paying professionals to fit things to and maintain my bike. It’s good for society to retain people with these skills, and it makes my bike time easier and  less oily and dirty. Bike maintenance costs way less than car maintenance!
  12. Steel yourself for the fact that the lycra people may not acknowledge you. But you’ll have a smile on your face for the rest of the day when someone else in day clothes with flowers on their handle bars smiles at you and you both recognise a kindred spirit.

With those first few turns of the pedals you feel the breeze, joy kicks in, along with a sense of independence. The non-petrol-using green-ness of it all adds to the sense of satisfaction. It’s swooshy. And quiet. Til you start singing aloud :)

I would like to thank Brandi Reynolds for her Move: A body journey e-course [later: no longer running]; Brandi reminded us to imbue your movement/exercise with fun. If it’s enjoyable you’ll keep doing it. True.

And here I am, happily labelled a nutcase!The helmet company slogan is “I love my brain”! They have heaps of other cool designs, too :)

What do you do that is “Good To Do” but requires personalisation to make it “You Friendly”? also Do you want to see some of my stuff? With your answers to these or other fascinating questions, please feel welcome to respond in the comments section below or on my Tangerine Meg Facebook Visual Artist page…
Your comments make my day, dear ones!

Have a happy week, possibly including cycling :)
Much love,
Meg x o



19 thoughts on “Live Bold List 23: Bike riding for the bold soul”

  1. If you’re considering ditching your toe clips but you still kind of like them, consider the velo orange half clip, it ditches the straps that make it feel like a foot cage but keeps the little grabber for the top of your foot, you might like it!

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  4. Glad to see you’ve rediscovered how to enjoy your bike ride Meg! Just a tip, get a chain guard and a skirt/coat guard and you’ll be able to ride in anything you want to wear without worrying about dastardly accidents.

    1. Tangerine Meg

      I’d been thinking about getting a skirt guard, but hadn’t thought about a chain guard. Thanks for the good idea :)

  5. Miss CycleStyle

    Thanks for the shoutout for the Pageant Queen Reflective Sash! Great to see you making bike riding fun and colorful – nice socks too :)

    1. Tangerine Meg

      Hi Joyce!
      Thanks heaps for saying hi :)
      Definitely, the bike riding has to be personalised and fun; and for me, that’s often with colour!

  6. Meg.. you have it BANG ON! I recently decided to start riding again, and decided, being an old hippy type.. I was going to have fun, and I started with the type of bike I bought. My electra cruiser “daisy” gets smiles and thumbs up from all who see me cruise by, and myself, well, you cant ride a bike as happy as this one and not smile.

  7. Dear Meg, You made me smile what more can i say it was a joy to read about bike rideing from your point of view i am 49 getting ready to start riding with my daughter for excercise,i love your personalty. My first ride will remind me of u and your striped socks love them. Thanks for the laugh, i needed it

    1. Tangerine Meg

      Hi Kathy, Nice to meet you!
      I am sure you’ll have fun riding with your daughter! Let us know how you go :)

  8. Deanna Kearns

    You just made me want my bike back. I am so getting a bike. I have been thinking about it, watching the kids ride while I walk beside them, but after reading all of that, I am getting one. I have just the best sparkley purple and teal striped socks too!!!! Thanks to my Joyfully Bold Artist friend I am going to be off on a bike ride soon!! *ding~ding*

    1. Tangerine Meg

      I like the sound of those socks, Deanna, and your bike riding plans :)
      Can’t wait to hear about your bike riding, stripey sock wearing, joyful adventures!

  9. ok – proof read my post before hitting “submit.” that is “I’d *be* not bet, and the only *thing* not think.

  10. I quit bike riding when they added handbrakes and gear shifts. I’d bet totally happy to find my old bicycle and clunk along on it with a handbasket and flowers and strippy socks! LOVE THIS POST!!!! The personalization thing? The only think I can think of is that I love funky socks of all kinds, especially when no one else knows I have them on and I’m all dressed up and being proper. I KNOW I have funky socks on! It’s sort of like red underwear. ;]

    1. Tangerine Meg

      You mean those pedal-backwards brakes? I remember learning to ride with those, I liked them… And I hear the one gear bikes are making a comeback!
      I shall remember that trick for grounding myself in colour and whimsy with funky socks underneath when next I must dress up proper. Great idea!

  11. Meg!

    You just CHANGED MY LIFE!

    It never even crossed my mind that I didn’t have to take cycling as seriously as everyone else in the State of Colorado seems to. OMG!?! Riding my bike can be silly and fun and colorful and sparkly AND healthy + good for the environment. How did I not know this? I feel like a weight has been lifted off my chest! I can totally do this cycling thing, I know it now. I’m so excited!



    1. Tangerine Meg

      You are completely welcome, Kim!
      I am so happy that my quirky ways were of use to somebody! Have fun :)

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