Thx Mum!

Hey there Wonder-beings, all children of someone!

Is your Mother is of the generation to read text-speak (ie. Thx = thanks)?

Here is a site to inspire your Mothers Day competition entries. Thxthxthx is a wonderful simple site comprising short thankful notes to unexpected recipients (like ‘Smile I had Today’ or ‘Hacked Email from Reggie’); Thxthxthx even have a Facebook page.

To enter for the pictured prize all you have to do is leave me a ‘Why I love my Mum’ style comment (see details below). You might like to start your comment off with: “Dear Ma, Thanks for … ” or “Thx, Mum, for … ” A little bit of appreciation goes a long way! :)

The Prize

A hearty (haha) zipped leather bag and a luxurious scented soap (both of which are Fair Trade and Made in India) which I purchased today from the wonderful Oxfam shop, and 3 of my art greeting cards. You can choose which card will please your Ma the best and keep the other 2 for friends or family another time. Or you can simply keep it all for yourself!!

3 Ways to enter:

  1. Suggest my Tangerine Meg Visual Artist page to some of your Facebook friends – only those you think may be interested!
    How: Under my profile picture on the page click on the option ‘Suggest to Friends’. Click the friends you’ve selected on the list, and click ‘Send Invitations’. To let me know you’ve done this, leave a comment either here or at the Tangerine Meg Visual Artist page on Facebook. This will give you 1 entry into the competition. Whilst you’re there writing, do No. 2 or 3 for an extra chance if you like!
  2. Leave a comment at the bottom of this post telling me just a little of the wonderful person that is your Mother. This, too, will give you 1 entry into the competition.
  3. Leave a comment at my Tangerine Meg Visual Artist page on Facebook telling me a little about your gorgeous Mother. This is the third way you can get 1 entry into the competition.

So it’s possible to do all three things and get three chances to win. I am ok with you combining way 1 with way 2 or 3!

Entries close on Monday 26th April at 6pm, Australian Central Standard Time, to allow the best chance to get the parcel to you in time. Then everyone will be collected into a computer spreadsheet and I will select a winner using a random number generator.

Extra Details

I will email (or FacebookMessage) the winner to get their postal address so I can send the prize; and let you know here who won.

I will post this to you any where in the world. The lady at the Post Office said that mail is disrupted because of the volcano/planes situation, but normally it takes 2 to 3 days to Australian destinations, and 5 to 10 days to the US and Canada.

Get those Wonder-Mommy comments in quickly, and have a very happy weekend!

2 thoughts on “Thx Mum!”

  1. Thanx mum for still being around.
    You’ve had a rough time with 2 major operations earlier this year and nearly didn’t make it through. But this only reinforced how much I love you and how precious the time we have together.
    I know it may have hurt your stitching when we got the giggles in the Intensive Care Unit in hospital that day, but it will stand out in my mind as one of the most enjoyable days we shared. x x

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