Live Bold List 11: Bold again, in 2010

Welcome to 2010!
….and New Years Blessings to you!

I have been very creative and productive this week! 2 finished print editions (Girl Appreciating Rain and Joy Riding are complete and looking for good homes) as well as a summary of last year and a little sprouty list of my intentions for this year.

Here is a photo of my de-cluttered and now usable section of my work table. There is some painting work going on. Plus there is a 2010 board thingy, I am not sure whether it is a collage, a vision board or an ‘intention in pictures’ or what, but it makes me happy. And you can see “Joy Riding” propped there in a frame, and my butterfly curtains! Incidentally, this corner was previously cluttered with paperwork, receipts and an old computer printer that needs attention, and all those things are gone. The right things are here now.studioJan2010

Thanks go to Goddess Leonie’s 2010 GoddessWorkbook for giving structure, beauty and validity to this year change re-cap, clear up and planning process.

So, here goes with a slightly random list of some of the things I would like to aim for this year.

Live Bold List 11: Bold again, in 2010

  1. Become competent at any 1 (one) of these 4 (four) skills: Hula hoop, stilts, hand-walking or unicycle. My skill level is fledgling in all, masterful in none. This will take time. You can bet on which you think it will be in the comments section if you like – I am going with stilts or unicycle I think!
  2. Legitimately join the Facebook group “Random Handstands”. Legitimately? Because my handstand would have to be solid enough to do anywhere, on anything, and hold til I choose to stop. That’s a big goal for 1 year, especially in addition to #1.
  3. Sort out our many wedding photos – we have started this task, but it is large.
  4. Make and assemble 12 of my artworks to make a cohesive Tangerine Meg 2011 (don’t even think about that date!) calendar. I love calendars. I have just ordered 3 from Red Bubble from other artists for gifts and for our own house, and I will be able to see what the quality is like – I have heard it is really great. Also I am going to research other ways to have them produced too. I would love if you would tell me in the comments section (below) or on Facebook whether that is something you might like for next year.
  5. To put a little baby toe into the water of having a select few affiliate links on my site, whether in the text or the sidebars, so that when I rave and carry on about great stuff you can go check it out easily. I also would be pleased to have these contributing to the monetary abundance of life. I have already signed up to be an ambassador for Goddess Leonie so if you want your very own Goddess Workbook 2010, click through from here if you would like. I will also let you know if I am benefitting from links, as I am from that one. Will do a whole post rave about them soon – watch out!
  6. Install and have plumbed in the rainwater tank I have been given. Also I would love to have an aerosol artist make a water-themed roundy mural on the side of it.
  7. My Art Card Shop to match the rest of my site. Bring it over to WordPress too. Or if I can find a service to make it possible to send my design cards by booking over the internet I might do that. Also I am in the process of drafting an Art Stories page to add to the site – that will be fun! :)
  8. Spend more of my time making artwork. Also make sure I get more of my many ideas onto paper (or pixel!) I would like to sell more of said artwork too. Just today I have drawn designs for 3 more ideas that have been percolating in my little cranium.
  9. Keep making my voice heard, as one of many, speaking up for earth. Walk, talk, sign petitions. Turn off lights, ride bikes.
  10. Be kind. To self and others.

He Wishes For The Cloths Of Heaven
Had I the heavens’ embroidered cloths,
Enwrought with golden and silver light,
The blue and the dim and the dark cloths
Of night and light and the half-light,
I would spread the cloths under your feet:
But I, being poor, have only my dreams;
I have spread my dreams under your feet;
Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

by William Butler Yeats


Wow, this is a very real, dear to me list and I feel vulnerable pressing the publish button. Tread softly because you tread on my dreams. Well said, William Butler Yeats! I too will tread softly if you choose to leave some of your dreams and intentions in the comments section.

Oh I forgot to mention, my word of the year for 2010 feels like it is “Blossom”.

Looking forward to a wonderful, blossoming, bold year for all of us in 2010.

Be bold, be you.
Meg x o

5 thoughts on “Live Bold List 11: Bold again, in 2010”

  1. Pingback: What is a Vision Board, anyway? - Tangerine Meg

  2. Pingback: The Importance of Good Things | Goddess Guidebook | Discover the creative, joyful, wise Goddess in You...

  3. Wow Meg, that is a fab list with loads of wonderful things. You will do well with it I am sure <-:
    I love your board of inspiration.
    Cheers Rob

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