Dear and Lovely Readers,
I hope this finds you well and thriving.
I am pretty excited cos I have made a group AND a competition on FaceBook!

I made it so if you join the group, you go into the draw to win a Mothers Day gifty pack. It will be a gorgeous scarf from Oxfam and 6 of my art cards. Of course you can keep it all for yourself if you like!! I will post it out in time to mail or give to your momma by May 10th (that’s Mothers Day here in Australia this year).
People who joined almost the moment I made the group get 5x chances in the draw, and people who join before the end of this month, March, get double chances. I found a Random Number generator on the internet, so will assign everyone who is in the group on the final day a number (in order of joining), and put the lowest (1) and the highest (x) into the program to determine the winner.
So if you already “go on” FaceBook, here’s the link to the Tangerine Meg Art Cards Group. Join up if you like. I would be really pleased to see you there. If you do, you can “message me” or “write on the wall” to let me know that you found out about it via this blog. That last sentence sounded really funny if you aren’t used to those terms in context of FaceBook.
Random other news: I went for a run in the wonderful, much-needed rain this morning! My clothes, shoes and I were pretty well drenched by the time we got back. It was a good run though.
I am recovered from feeling bad about the parade and am including it in the “things I now know about myself” category!
Soon to come: How Learning to walk on stilts is like learning to live well!
Take most excellent care of yourselves,