Dear fine and fabulous readers,
We did our Fringe show run of 5 shows over 2 days, the first being a preview. Our coach said we did “…pretty well”.
I found it a strange cycle of warming up, 3 minutes of focussing, activity & effort followed by playing a part in the finale, and then an hour and a half of refuelling/chatting/ time-passing! Repeat. (And on the Saturday, repeat again).
I found the being-in-front-of-audience experience very different to the recent parade, and wasn’t constantly & overwhelmingly mortified this time. It was easier having something to do that I knew I could do! We had lights and smoke effects and applause. The applause was rewarding and we ran off smiling.
Overall it was fun, and personally, it was an achievement. I feel more confident and am physically stronger thanks to all the training.
My next project is to have a street stall at the pre-Easter market on Saturday. So today I need to check my Art Card stock, make sure I have business cards, an email sign up book, change, and my laminated “off-line web page” sheets!
I am desperate to print the next 3 lino blocks, which are inertly waiting. Here is a scan of one:

This will be reversed when printed, of course. I am impatiently anticipating doing the painting. Can’t wait to show you.
Hey – what do you guys think? Should I have an etsy shop for cards as well as my own web site, as well as an etsy shop for the original prints?
I have a private animation project that will be getting priority before I take on any big new things. Some friends are after web sites and whatnot, that shall be next, and we have a new module of music games we would like to get out in the first half of this year.
My ongoing “life activity” goals are to keep training enough to stay feeling fit and strong (tonight I am mixing it up and going to a dance class); and to reduce driving – cos for a month or so I have always been short on time and dependant on the car.
And music events shall be a part of this year too. I am looking forward to that as well. And rehersing to be in a singing group maybe.
Take care,