Dearest blog buddies,
I hope this finds you in good health.
We will be having a hot day here today, 41 celcius predicted. I have given a few tender plants in the garden a trickle of water to help them through the day, and whilst there, I picked these lovely bunches of grapes:

I decided they would look nice on that vintage plate. I am hereby deciding that I will not be doing a lino print of a bunch of grapes. I am too awful at cutting small circles out of lino. However at some point I would like a simplified version of the plate design to appear in one of my pictures.
I love looking at and then eating stuff of those plates. I got them from an op shop last year, and have enjoyed them every day, wondering about their history, knowing they have one.
I am not an air-conditioner person (don’t have one) so there will be a lot of ice-block drinks and possibly a trip to the shopping centre air-conditioning today!
Take good care of yourselves,